Examination of the interaction between humans and their environment with application to driver interaction with vehicle systems.
Analysis of the influence of driving-related and driving-unrelated tasks on drivers’ performance, behavior, and Human Factors safety.
Investigation of how drivers use cellphone and smartphone technology, infotainment systems, and automated driving technology (e.g., Adaptive Cruise Control, Semi-Autonomous Vehicles, Advanced Driving Assistance Systems), and how it affects drivers’ behavior, performance, and safety.
Analysis of the effect of machine and automated systems use on memory, cognitive workload, decision making, attention allocation, perception and situation awareness during safety-critical operations.
Forensic questions
How was the driver’s awareness of the road surroundings influenced by their use of an Advanced Driving Assistance Systems or Semi-Autonomous Vehicle? How did it influence their safe driving behavior, and ability to detect other vehicles or road hazards?
Was the driver distracted by the use of a cellphone or in-vehicle infotainment system? How did it influence their ability detect pedestrian or other road users?
Did the driver have a delayed response and what caused it?